
About that “No-Jerks” Policy …

It has been called many names, from the “no-jerk” policy to the “no a-holes” rule. Companies like Uber and Netflix have committed to a warm, open corporate culture, so they have decided on a new approach to mean people: get rid of them. The trouble? So-called jerks can offer outstanding ideas and actually enrich those around them. Don’t they…


In Defense of the Workaholic

Nobody on their deathbed has ever said “I wish I had spent more time at the office”. Or so the famous saying goes. What this quote (and those who repeat it) totally ignore, is the fact that no one stays in the office for the sake of staying in the office.Individuals who stay at work…


Career Planning is Failing Its Students — Here is an Alternative

As a small business owner in New York, I reached out to the Career Planning offices of the local colleges and universities in an effort to find interested candidates earlier this year when we had an entry-level opening.  Never again. Every single call to the career planning office was uniformly answered by a clerical employee…


The Rules of Mentoring by Elena Paraskevas-Thadani

Whether you are in charge of an official mentoring program in your company, have been asked to serve as a mentor, or are interested in being mentored, it is important to know the rules of engagement. Here they are: According to Dictionary.com a mentor is a “wise and trusted counselor or teacher” or “an influential…