Our certified coaches specialize in serving senior executives in law firms and in the professional service industry. We assist executives achieve their career goals in the areas of business development, promotion, career restructuring, finding alternate careers, and taking a senior leadership role within a company. We assist law firms with developing and implementing their mentoring, business development, and leadership programs. We also specialize in one-on-one coaching.
There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to the specific professional development needs and issues of each coaching client. We customize our approach in each case to suit the strengths and challenges of each individual or group of professionals.
Typically, our coaching includes an objective personality assessment called the WorkPlace Big Five™ that we have found very useful in our work as coaches and trainers. The assessment shows how the coachee ranks, relative to the rest of the population, on the following personality traits:
- Need for Stability (how they react to stress/setbacks);
- Extraversion/Introversion (whether they prefer a sensory stimulating or subdued work environment);
- Originality (whether they prefer to think “big picture” or to work on details);
- Accommodation (whether they prefer a collaborative mode of working or a hierarchical one); and
- Consolidation (whether they work best methodically or spontaneously).
The assessment helps the participant better understand how they are perceived by their team, colleagues, and coworkers and how their personality style manifests itself relative to others with whom they work. This also helps us as coaches so that we can adjust our style in the session (and also in the creation of the content) accordingly to maximize our effectiveness. Many participants report that the assessment process is fun and that they enjoyed learning about themselves. They also report that in team workshops, they better understand each other.